
Trusts and Foundations

Windmill works in partnership with a range of funding bodies, foundations and individuals with private ancillary funds.

The areas in which we seek support include:

  • Our Education Program
  • Access and Inclusion
  • Regional and National Touring
  • New Work Development

Please contact our Development and Marketing Executive on (08) 8210 7200 for a confidential discussion on how you can play your part in the Windmill story.

Education Program

Our Education Program includes dedicated school performances, in-school workshops, teacher professional development, online learning resources and work experience programs.

We prioritise access for socio-economic and geographically disadvantaged students through equity priced tickets and provide free tickets and targeted initiatives to those most in need.

Access and Inclusion

Windmill believes that people with disability have the right to full inclusion in social and cultural life, and the company is committed to ensuring it provides opportunities for people with disability to access and engage in the company’s range of activities.

Our Access and Inclusion Program represents our commitment to people with a disability who attend live theatre productions. Our intention is to effect positive change so that people with disability live in inclusive and accessible communities.

Program Aims

  • Provide Audio Described Performances
  • Provide tactile tour or pre-show briefing pre-audio described performances
  • Provide Auslan-Interpreted Performances
  • Provide Relaxed performances
  • Make our productions accessible by using accessible venues
  • Access to information in an accessible format about attending performances and services provided
  • Provide and promote easy booking access for patrons with disability
  • Ensure all publications, information and marketing use inclusive language, correct symbols and access information where relevant
  • Improve accessibility to online educational platforms through captioned video, responsive high-contrast text and audio descriptions.
  • School groups included in Audio-described, Auslan-interpreted and Relaxed Performances. These groups also included in pre and post show educational activities.
  • Acceptance and encourage of use of companion cards

Regional and National Touring

Each year our repertoire of works travel far and wide playing to children and families across the length and breadth of the country (and everywhere in between). Support for our touring works enables thousands of young people and families to access world class theatre and provides work to hundreds of artists, creatives and crew throughout the year.

New Work Development

The creative development of new works take time, resources and rigorous reflection.

Support for the development of New Work enables our artistic collaborators to engage in an authentic dialogue to develop their works – incorporating best practice creative engagement protocols, new research and development processes and community consultation.

Contact Us

For more information on supporting us, please contact:


Development & Marketing Executive