Study Guide

Grug and the Rainbow

About this guide

This education resource has been developed by Windmill Theatre Co for the production Grug and the Rainbow with links to the Australian Curriculum F-2 and the Early Years Learning Framework. Activities have been created to suit each of the achievement standards from Years F to 2 and content descriptions within each learning area as well as the general capabilities. This resource provides teachers with information to help prepare students before attending the performance, as well as structured learning activities for the classroom after viewing the performance. General Capabilities The general capabilities are embedded within specific learning activities in this Study Guide and can be identified with the following icons:

The general capabilities are embedded within specific learning activities and can be identified with the following icons:

Note from the Director

I don’t imagine there will be many occasions in my career that I’ll get to work with one of my childhood heroes – but creating this show was one of them! It was an exciting privilege to create the first Grug show with Windmill Theatre Co, and was a very rare opportunity to create Grug and the Rainbow as a sequel. I was a huge fan of Grug growing up in Australia. The original Grug book was one of my favourites. I vividly remember the images of Grug evolving from the bristly top of a tree, and imagined all the corners of his intriguing, underground home. There was something unique about Grug that captured my imagination as a five-year-old.

Grug is the only creature of his kind, and is perhaps unique for a children’s book character, as he doesn’t have any family to guide him through his experiences in the world. Instead, Grug learns to solve the challenges he encounters on his own, using his creativity, inventiveness and generosity. Perhaps Grug’s special kind of independence and adventurousness is part of what makes him so appealing to a young child.

In Grug and the Rainbow, Grug adventures into the world around him – and sets out to catch all of the elusive colours of the rainbow so he can create his own. This production has been created by a group of artists that shared my childhood love of Grug – from the lovingly crafted set and puppets designed by Jonathon Oxlade; the idiosyncratic soundscapes created by DJ TR!P; to the inventive, genuine performances of the actors that bring Grug and his friends to life.

Sam Haren

Cast and Creatives

Sam Haren


Sam is a Creative Director of Sandpit, a company that create immersive, and interactive theatre and personal experiences. Sam was the Artistic Director of The Border Project from 2002-2012, directing or co-directing all of their work during that time.

Jonathon Oxlade


Jonathon studied Illustration and Sculpture at The Queensland College of Art and has designed sets and costumes in Australia for Windmill Theatre Co, Queensland Theatre, LaBoite Theatre, Is This Yours?, Aphids, Circa, Arena Theatre Company and many more.



DJ TR!P is a multi-award winning producer, composer and performer of electronic music. Over a career spanning 20 years he has built an impressive repertoire of live compositions for his club sets, a variety of high profile events and productions.

Chris Petridis

Lighting Designer

Chris completed his Technical Production course at the Adelaide Centre of the Arts. Since graduating, he has been working extensively and continuing to develop his experience across theatre, dance, and other live events both in Australia and overseas.

Tamara Rewse

Puppet Maker

Tamara has worked in numerous areas of the performing arts since 1997 including as a Director, Devisor, Maker and Singer. She has toured both nationally and internationally. She has also worked as both a performer and puppeteer for numerous shows.



Grug started out as the top of a Burrawang tree that fell to the ground. He resembles a small striped haystack with feet and a nose.


Snoot is an echidna and is one of Grug’s friends.


Cara is a carpet snake who is one of Grug’s friends.

What To Expect

Early Years Learning Guide

Years F-2 (Drama)

Years F-2 (English)

Years F-2 (Dance)

Years F-2 (Music)

Years F-2 (Health & Physical Education)

Years F-2 (Science)

Years F-2 (Mathematics)

Years F-2 (Design and Technology)

Additional Resources


Produced by Windmill Theatre Co. Original study guide created by Drama Education Specialist Julie Orchard. Updated in 2017 by Drama Education Specialist Natalie McCarl. Updated in 2021 by Astrid Pill.

The activities and resources contained in this document are designed for educators as the starting point for developing more comprehensive lessons for this work.

© Copyright protects this Education Resource. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited. However, limited photocopying for classroom use only is permitted by educational institutions.

This resource is proudly supported by the South Australian Department for Education and the Lang Foundation.

  •  Lang Foundation