Hiccup Tour Diary: Chiara Gabrielli

Chiara Gabrielli reflects on three years with Quokka!

You’ve been with Quokka for a long time. What can you tell us about your journey together with Hiccup?
This year is Quokka and my third year together, and it only gets more fun and silly each time, honestly. It is always a joyous moment when you feel confident enough in the ‘mechanics’ of the show, that you get to just have fun, tell the story and enjoy the ride!

It has also been such a great experience being able to perform with different performers for Eddie, Emu and Koala. Each performer always brings something slightly different to the story, and I love having to find those small new ways for how Quokka interacts with them. Although in Quokka’s mind, its mainly her story and the rest are very nice additions.

Where have you and Quokka travelled together?
I’ve loved being part of Hiccup’s journey, working from creative development, to rehearsal, to performing across South Australia, Australia and the United States. It’s been pretty special.

Quokka and I have so far performed in Adelaide, Noarlunga, Murray Bridge, Goolwa, Naracoorte, Mount Gambier, Renmark, Port Augusta, Port Pirie, Whyalla, Roxby Downs, Perth, Arkansas, Virginia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Ohio.

It’s been really awesome seeing Taylor, Lizzie and Elleni all work with Quokka, too.

What’s it like taking the Australian outback to the US? How are audiences responding?
We were slightly nervous about how the US audiences would respond, and understand, our highly energised puppets with Australian accents, however, the response was incredibly enthusiastic.

Across the entire US/Australian tour, audiences have been giggling and dancing along so much, their seating rows start shaking!

As a personal highlight, while many US children seem to be familiar with Emus and Koalas, I am particularly proud to be introducing them to our very unique and adorable Australian Quokka!

Are the any differences between American or Australian hiccup cures?
American hiccup cures we’ve heard include eating a hotdog with extra mustard, running out of a restaurant without leaving a tip and saying your entire Starbucks order in one breath.

How do you, personally, cure the hiccups?
As someone who loves both eating and talking, I am very familiar with having the hiccups. Mine are usually cured by a loved one enthusiastically scaring me, although I think they are starting to enjoy doing it a bit too much.

Hiccup is touring around the country until October 2023. Click here to learn more.

By Madison Thomas